Please inquire via email if you would like to see images by any of our artists not shown above.
Sharon Alderman, Trent Thursby Alvey, Jean Arnold, Don Athay, Philip Barlow (2018), Heather Barron, Edward Bateman, Paul Vincent Bernard, Tom Bettin, Zelda Bills (2004), Allen Bishop, Liberty Blake, Phil Borges, Connie Borup, Dale Bryner (1999), Francesc Burgos, Richard Burton (2020), Joe Carter, Lindey Carter, Joe Casalino (2022), James Charles, Oonju Chun, Carolyn Coalson, Chris Coleman, A. David Crown (2016) , Steve Dayton, Meri Ploetz DeCaria, Lee Deffebach (2005), George Dibble (1992), Paul Dougan, Darryl Erdmann, Larry Elsner (1990), Connie Jo Erickson, John Erickson, Jim Frazer, Sandy Freckleton Gagon, Corinne Geertsen, Josanne Glass, Mary Ellen Hogle, Doug Harwood, Tom Howard, Nel Ivancich (2014), Hunter Jackson, J Jackson, Richard Johnston (2017), Earl Jones, Teresa Jordan, Tom Kass (2022), Patricia Kimball, Emily Fox King, Mark Knudsen, Brian Kosoff, Craig Law, Elena Lawrence, Hyunmee Lee, Randee Levine, Rebecca Livermore, Waldo Midgley (1986), Robbie Miller, Sarah Milne, Kathy Minck, Michael Mogus, Margaret Wilson Morris, Maureen O'Hara Ure, Lori Nelson, Rodger Newbold, Don Olsen (1983), Joseph Ostraff, Melinda Ostraff, Kathleen Peterson, Scott Peterson, Kamelia Pezeshki, Bonnie Phillips, Denis Phillips (2024), Sophia Therese Pitakis, Gini Pringle, Gerald Purdy (2023), Irene Rampton, Hadley Rampton, Phil Richardson, Kim Riley, Stephen Seko, Setsuko, Sara Shaw, Simone Simonian, Claudia Sisemore, Frank Anthony (Tony) Smith, Moishe Smith (1993), V. Douglas Snow (2009), Heidi Moller Somsen, Jan Strickler (2010), Cordell Taylor, Harry Taylor (2002), John Taye, John Telford (2019), Leslie Thomas, Dan Toone, Wendy Van de Kamp, Nancy Vorm, Claire Wilson, John Wood, Francis Zimbeaux (2006), Frank Zimbeaux (1935), Elise Zoller
Tuesday — Friday 11–5 pm
Saturday 11–4 pm
Sunday and Monday: By Appointment Only
444 E. 200 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84111 | 801-364-8284